Mixing your house hold cleaning products may seem like a great idea for ensuring your house is spotless and stain less but in real sense, it can be very dangerous to your health.
Taking the scary confessions of some Kenyans online after they mixed their bleach and toilet cleaner as an example goes to show the need for people to take the ‘Read instructions before use’ more seriously.
Here are some cleaning products you should never mix.
1.Bleach and Toilet cleaner
Mixing bleach and toilet cleaner produces dangerous fumes that can cause harmful effects such as coughing, watery eyes, difficulty breathing and even death in some cases.
2.Bleach and vinegar
Bleach and vinegar leads to the production of chlorine and chloramine which can be very toxic to someone’s health.
It may cause a chemical burn vital body parts such as the eyes and the lungs.
3.Baking soda and vinegar
Baking soda and vinegar basically cancel each other out. Baking soda is basic while vinegar is acidic so you are left with mostly water after mixing the two of them together.
Vinegar causes baking soda to foam up which when placed in a closed container could lead to an explosion.
4.Different brand cleaners
Different brands of cleaners contain different types of ingredients in them so it is advisable to use the different brands separately.
5.Disinfectant and detergents
Avoid mixing certain disinfectants with certain detergents. To be more precise disinfecttants that contain quarternary ammonia as it may neutralize the effectiveness of the disinfectant.