Kenya School of Law Director Patrick Lumumba popularly known as PLO has revealed the greatest failure Jubilee Government under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta has made.
Speaking during an exclusive interview with , Mr Lumumba stated that the Jubilee administration had completely failed to bring Kenyans together as one country to speak one language of unity.
According to the professor, it is alarming how the country is divided on tribal lines almost to the point of intolerance.
PLO recounted a previous meeting he had with members of the Jubilee party in which a section told a certain tribe that they ought to wait until their own came to power.
“There is something this administration did not do. This administration has not made everybody feel that they are part of the game. The Kikuyu-Kalenjin elite without mincing words has made people feel that they are not part of Kenya.
"I have sat in a meeting where an individual from one of the formation says that the Luhyas and Luos should wait for their Government. You cannot say that," he said.
The former KACC boss added that: "I look forward to an administration that will speak one language. That we are Kenyans".
PLO highlighted that the tribal conflict in Kenya was a vice that other leaders in the East African Region including Tanzania President John Magufuli had pinpointed as the greatest menace in the country
“The day we exorcise the ghost of ethnicity that is the day we will begin to punch within our weight,” he opined.