Fierce government critic and Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) cleric, Reverend Sammy Wainaina has put pen to paper, penning a poem to pass a message to the Kenya Kwanza administration led by President William Ruto.
Weighing in on the increased taxation that Kenyans have been subjected to under the current regime, the cleric revisited Ruto’s rise from a hustler to the President, alleging that he has since become dynasty.
Wainaina, who currently serves as an Adviser on Anglican Communion Affairs in London, United Kingdom opined that taxation is constantly on the lips of employees and hustlers shortly after one of their own ascended to power with a promise of making things better.
"The new chorus employees are singing after a former peasant became a dynasty," the Reverend who previously served as All Saints' Cathedral Provost noted.
READ: Ruto's government is making Kenyans poorer – priest who lectured Uhuru declares
He opined that Kenyans struggling to make no ends meet have their options limited to just surrendering their payslips to be taxed at will.
They also have no option but to surrender their wallets that are constantly drained by high prices of commodities.
Below is the poem that he shared on his social media pages.
"Take my payslip and let it be
Always thine to tax at will
Take my wallet and make it be
At the mercy of high price"
Reverend Wainaina has been a longstanding critic of the government.
Claims of Ruto's government making Kenyans poorer
In May 2023, the cleric fired his first salvo at President Ruto who had been in office for just a few months, noting that his government was extracting value and making Kenyans poorer.
He noted that President Ruto and his regime have fallen short of expectation and have not delivered on the value they promised to Kenyan voters during the campaign period.
"The current government came on the promise of making Kenyans better and richer, they were to add value, today they are taking that value from the people, and they are making Kenyans poorer. I'm so sad we have such a government," Wainaina noted in a TV interview.
The cleric is also remembered for taking retired President Uhuru Kenyatta who then the head of state in 2021 over his admission that at least Sh2Billion is lost to corruption on a daily basis.
During an interview in May after President William Ruto took over power, the cleric maintained that his stand on corruption in government has not changed.
"What I condemned at that time is a government that is corrupt and doing nothing. Why were they elected?" Rev Wainaina clarified.
Holding Ruto accountable for his promises
He has also spoken up against preachers who allow politics on the pulpit at a time when the current administration should be delivering its promises.
“What we need from the government are not prayers. Prayers we will make and we do make. What we need from the government are services. We are away from politics now. You promised to deliver, simply deliver.
"That’s all! Let’s not sanitise or try to make the government religious so that we don’t question them. If they said they are going to do something let them implement their manifestos," the Reverend stated.