With the month of
Things are becoming more expensive- with unga, fuel and electricity prices going up life is definitely set to cost people more.
The 52 week saving challenge allows Kenyans to save up to Sh137, 800 by saving Sh100 per week.
It has become increasingly popular among Kenyans because of the high return rate.
SMEP micro finance bank is helping further cultivate a saving culture among Kenyans using their Nyota Njema Account.
The aim is to reach Sh34, 450 through saving Sh25 per week
Sh68, 900 by saving Sh50 per week.
Or Sh 137, 800 by saving Sh100 per week.
The amount that one chooses is incremental per week.
Using the simple sheet below a user can keep track of the money they have been saving.