Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was conspicuously missing as President Uhuru Kenyatta kicked of the public viewing of former President Daniel Mo’s body at parliament buildings in Nairobi on Saturday, 08 Feb 2020.
The absence of Odinga who wields influence and political clout across the country was glaring with many Kenyans questioning his whereabouts.
The president and his deputy were joined the Cabinet at State house Nairobi shortly before 10 am for a press conferece in which the head of state gave a moving tribute on the deceased before proceeding to parliament buildings.
The former Prime Minister is reportedly travelled to Addis Ababa for the ongoing African Union Summit where media reports indicate that he will be representing President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The summit dubbed “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions For Africa’s Development,” seeks to find durable solutions to a cotinent plagued by conflicts and a myriad of challenges that derail its growth.
The Odinga family was however represented by Raila Odinga Junior who joined thousands of Kenyans to view the body of Mzee Moi who died on Tuesday.
“On behalf of the Odinga's family, May the Lord grant Moi's family the comfort they need during this difficult moment and may the soul of Mzee Moi rest in eternal peace,” Tweeted Raila Junior after viewing Mzee Moi’s remains at Parliament Buildings.
The former prime Minister has until Monday to view the former president’s remains that will lie in state at parliament buildings for three days.
Burial arrangements are currently underway with Kenya’s second president set to be burried in Kabarak.