It is logical to wonder what could have gone wrong if your girlfriend or partner begins to show signs of being fed up of you and the relationship.
If your girlfriend ever starts to give you attitude and you wonder why, one of more of these five reasons could be responsible for the change:
1. You stopped being the guy she fell for
Not many things are as annoying and tiring for women as inconsistency. If you blew hot at the beginning of the relationship, you should keep that up. Don't switch up on her negatively when the relationship finally begins.
Keep being sweet to her, keep communicating, keep being supportive, keep looking out for her, keep being the driven, passionate guy... because if you stop being the partner she met and fell for, don't be surprised if she no longer wants anything to do with you.
2. You're cheating on her
Obviously, cheating is a game changer. If you are a serial, unrepentant cheat, your partner would surely want to get out.
No woman deserves the emotional imbalance of dealing with a fornicating, no-holds-barred cheat.
And to be honest, that'd be the right thing to do.
ALSO READ: How much sacrifice is too much to make for a partner?
3. Your priorities changed
Do you still show her she's special? Do you still hold her in high esteem and make it obvious in the things you do and the decisions you take?
If the answer to that is no, she may seek a way out. No one wants to play second fiddle or be placed so low on the list of priorities and what you hold dear.
If your friends, job and pretty much everything comes before your woman all the time, it won't be long before she gets fed up.
4. Bad sex
If your sex game is not A1, there’s every chance that the dissatisfaction will brew over at some point and cause her to seek a way out of the relationship.
Not many women want to be tied for life to men who are capable of only mediocre sex. If they can avoid it, they will. And your babe looking for a way out could be as a result of this, too.
5. Respect
Did you stop respecting her as a person? Do you throw her opinions back in her face or don't bother asking for her input on issues that affect you both? Do you try to control her life and dismiss her own opinions on matters that concern her?
Then surely you deserve to be tossed in the bin. And it may be only a matter of time before she dumps you.