"He was very, very hospitable and personal. He just said 'Yes, I'll sign that for you'." -- Deborah O'Hara Rusckowski, 58, who held out a book for Trump to sign called "God and Donald Trump", a study on whether supernatural intervention brought the US leader to power.
"Can we throw things?" A Davos attendee considers ways to make known her displeasure at the arrival of Trump at the forum.
"I've an apple in my bag." A fellow bystander responds.
"Of course... the very special guest will be Friday's American president's speech, but as I said it is more the cherry on the cake -- but the cake is already cooked now, by ourselves (Europeans)." -- Dalia Grybauskaite, Lithuanian President tells AFP that Trump has a tough act to follow after well-received speeches by Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday.
"People who like soft porn are happier than those who are into the harder stuff" -- Dan Buettner, author of a bestselling book about happiness, "Blue Zones", speaking on a Davos panel titled "Secrets to a long and happy life".
"It's going to be more boring. The great sense of humour that the Brits have brought to the European Union, I'm going to miss it, and (so are) many others." -- EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem, the bloc's top trade official, has some regrets about Britain's impending exit from the European Union.
"We are a country where warm winds blow from both east and west. These relationships are as old as our country." Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi finds a diplomatic turn of phrase when asked to which superpower, China or the US, his country feels more closely allied.