His comment is coming when the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta is scheduled to present the mid-year budget review to Parliament on Monday (July 29, 2019).
The former Finance Minister Seth Terkper has said that the Akufo-Addo-led government must be realistic about where they plan to take the country.
His predecessor argues that the government is not doing better but rather crumbling under the weight of several promises made while the governing party was in opposition.
In an interview with Accra-based Citi FM, Mr Terkper described these policies which include the Free Senior High School Education as unsustainable.
He explained that the additional petroleum revenue provided some buffer to the policy. However, this was only one-time whereas the expenditure kept increasing.
Mr. Terkper added that some policies being implemented by the Akufo-Addo government, although popular, are draining the country of revenues.