This horse is considered by experts as the most beautiful horse you’ll ever see in your lifetime.
Thousands of tales have been spurned about their looks, strength, speed and even loyalty across the globe.
Not all animals are however equal as dramatically demonstrated in George Orwell book ‘the animal farm’ and so there is a breed of horses completely on their own league when it comes to looks and grace.
The horse from Turkey is considered by experts as the most beautiful horse you’ll ever see in your lifetime.
He’s an Akhal-Teke, a horse breed that is a direct descendant of the now-extinct Turkoman horse that lived back in ancient times.
There are only 3,500 of these horse breed in the entire world but this horse stands out due to its fur coat which looks like it has been dipped in gold.
The thoroughbred stands between 58 and 64 inches (147 and 163 cm) and has an amazing and beautiful coat that gleams in the sunlight.
According to experts, the coat shimmers because of the structure of the fur and it is designed to act as a light intensifier and throws back the light rays.
It’s also believed that they are born with golden fur so that they can camouflage in the desert.
so it is little wonder, that the Chinese refer to them as “horses from heaven” and sure enough experts and ordinary folks alike are all in agreement that Akhal-Teke does look heavenly.
The breed as it is known today first appeared in Turkmenistan, Central Asia, in Kara Kum, a rocky, flat desert surrounded by mountains which played a significant role in preserving the Akhal Teke’s purity according to horsetalk.Tribesmen of Turkmenistan first used the horses for raiding and they were selectively bred for speed and agility.