Apart from being the first lady, minister, mother, evangelist, prayer warrior and teacher of the word of God, Denise has now added another feather on her cap.
She is now a musician too after she released a song raising awareness to end violence against women.
The song titled ‘Umukenyezi Arengeye Kuvyara Gusa’ meaning ‘A Woman is More than Just Giving Birth’ speaks against abusing women physically and verbally for failing to bear a child.
A wife and mother of five kids herself, Denise, through her lyrics, said that women are capable of much more than just being called mothers. She urged husbands to fully support their wives.
According to her, infertility affects both couples. “Fertility involves two people and infertility should not be a source of conflict,” she sings.
She composed the song as her special contribution to support Merck More Than a Mother campaign. She is currently the ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother campaign.
Since the song was uploaded on Youtube on 23 Oct 2019 it continues to receive favorable ratings from fans across the continent.
The video clip opens with a scene of a wife welcoming her husband home and inviting him to eat dinner, only to be physically abused. 49-year-old Denise is then seen in the video walking into the childless couple’s sitting room to intervene.
“You only know for sure about infertility after seeing the doctor. Infertility can happen to men or women.” She explains in the video.
The video of the song will be officially launched during the sixth edition of ‘Merck Africa Asia Luminary’ in Accra Ghana.
While this may be her first professional music track Ms. Nkurunziza is not new to singing.
She is an active church choir member and has been featured in religious tracks featuring a church choir.
She is also a big advocate for women suffering from maternity complications in partnership with “Gynécologie Sans Frontière ”.
Denise, who runs a foundation called “Buntu” was recently awarded in New York as a woman who has positively influenced the Burundian society and who is an actor of change throughout her foundation.