You definitely have to try these.
Then there’s that other squad that can barely get out of bed when the alarm clock rings. They can snooze their alarms up until one hour before they are supposed to be at work. They tend to be very quiet especially in the mornings but everyone thinks they have an attitude. Basically waking up in the morning is just not their thing.
If you’re part of the latter and would actually want to work on getting to work early more often, then these simple tricks could help ease you into the day.
1.Put on your favorite song to start your morning
Play your favorite songs in the morning to help put you in a good mood.
2.Have sex in the morning
What better way to get you up and about than a little romp in the sheets. You’ll be in a great mood plus it can also be substituted as exercise *wink*
3.Wear yellow clothes
Yellow is the colour of fun, happiness and playfulness. Try wearing a yellow outfit or use something yellow and see if it boosts your moods in the morning.
4.Take a cold shower
I can’t think of a better way to jump start your day than with a cold shower. It will wake you right up.
5.Have a nutritional breakfast
What you put in your body also determines how your day will go.
Have a good, nutritious meal in the morning to kick start your day. Being hungry already puts you in a bad mood and it’s worse if it’s in the morning because that basically sets the pace of how your day is going to go.
6.Sleep on the left side of the bed