Veteran actor Gibson Gathu Mbugua, who is known for his role as a prosecutor in KBC TV comedy Vioja Mahakamani, has appealed for help to settle his medical bills.
The father of four is seeking Kenyans’ help in raising Sh6 million to cater for the transplant and post-surgery care.
Gathu held his fundraiser at Charter Hall inside the Nairobi County building on Muindi Mbingu Street on Friday, June 10 ahead of his scheduled kidney transplant at Mediheal Hospital in Eldoret.
The actor has already found a suitable donor from among members of his family.
“Dialysis is expensive. Your insurance cover gets exhausted and you start spending off your pocket. You know, insurance is limited. Every day you visit, the dialysis is from Sh10,000 and you have to go three times a week,” he said.
“And they don’t pay for the third. So that has forced me to dig into my pockets and that has drained family finances. So, I saw that if I get a transplant, my life will get back to normal and I will do my work,” Mbugua added.
The father of four is seeking Kenyans’ help in raising Sh6 million to cater for the transplant and post-surgery care.
“Actually, the cost of surgery is not that expensive. What is expensive is the post-surgery care because those drugs are very expensive,” he said.
“The anti-rejection drugs are very expensive, and there is no use having a transplant while I can’t get the drugs, which I’ll consume for the rest of my life. That’s why we need Sh6 million for the post-care,” Mbugua added.
So far he has received financial support from Kenyans from all over the country.
Troubles with his kidney started after battling diabetes for years. In 2020, Mbugua experienced kidney failure but had the courage to keep going.
“Bado na act. I’m on, sijalemewa. Ninajikazakaza tu naendelea (I’m still acting; I haven’t been overwhelmed. I force myself and I go on),” he said.
He has been in programmes such as Varshita!, Jungu Kuu, Kivunja Mbavu, and Mchezo wa Hadithi, in addition to Vioja Mahakamani.
“You know, in art, you earn for work done. If you haven’t done anything, you won’t be paid. So, you must try hard and do something,” he added.