Dr Auma Obama, half sister to the 44th President of United States - Barrack Obama - has spoken just hours after the death of her grandmother was announced.
Just lost the most important person in my life - Auma Obama
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Dr Auma eulogized her late grandmother as having been the most important person in her life.
She went on to outline that she was still grief-stricken though still appreciative of the time she got to spend with Mama Sarah.
"Just lost the most important person in my life - my gran, Mama Sarah. My heart is broken! But as I write, not able to stop the tears from pouring, I know I was blessed to have her for so long! My inspiration, my rock, my comfort zone, my safe space. Rest in peace Dani!
"To all of you sending messages, know that I am seeing them and am hearing you you all. Just cannot reply to all. Thank you, thank you for your condolences! I feel your love and concern," Dr Auma stated.
Mama Sarh will be buried on Tuesday in accordance with Islamic law.