Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho on Friday mourned with the family of ICT CS Nadia Ahmed Abdalla popularly known as Ms. Nadia Naddy.
Rest in peace
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Ms Abdalla's mother died on Friday morning after a long illness.
"I extend my most sincere condolences to Ms. Nadia Ahmed Abdalla the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Innovation, ICT & Youth Affairs and to her entire family for the loss of her mother this morning."
"May the Almighty assuage your grief and grant you strength and patience in this trying times. May Allah SWT grant the deceased Jannatul Firdaus. Amin Inna Lillahi Waina Ileyhi Rajiu'un," Joho said in a statement.
Ms Abdalla, who was recently appointed the youngest CAS, also mourned her mother as a great pillar and promised to follow in her footsteps.
"Words cannot even begin to explain how i feel! But I'm at peace and i thank God for He took my mother slowly and peaceful. Mama joined the angels with a big smile on her face and she was glowing!"
"I am who I am because of my Mother and now that she is our Guardian Angel, my brother and i will make sure to live up to her dreams and be greater that what she envisioned In shaa Allah! Alhamdulilah Ala Kulihal. I am at peace, it won’t be easy but God already saw this coming and i put my whole trust and belief in Him. Mama i will always Love you!!! I am your fierce lady!" she said while mourning her late mother.