The Mombasa governor posted the altered video on his verified Twitter account on Tuesday, slamming DP Ruto for allegedly urging the Uasin Gishu residents to chase out the non-natives Kenyans from the county if they do not support his presidential bid in the next week's election.
Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho is on the spot for posting an edited video of Deputy President William Ruto on his social media page that made it appear like the Kenya Kwanza flag bearer was inciting divisive politics during a rally in Uasin Gishu County.
Further, Joho mobilized support for Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party presidential hopeful Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua in the post.
"Completely unacceptable! It is just not right. This is now dangerous…Someone remind Ruto that Kenya is a country for all of us. Live where you want and vote your choice freely. This is exactly why we need Azimio la Umoja," read Joho's tweet.
Inspection of the video has since revealed that it is fake.
In the authentic video, the UDA presidential hopeful was pressing the Uasin Gishu residents not to let politics split them along tribal lines.
"The people of Western Kenya, Nyanza, Central, and other parts of the country who are here all belong to Uasin Gushu and their home is Uasin Gishu. This county is the home of every Kenyan and we want to tell those who want to divide us, shame on you na tutawashataki kwa Mungu mkituletea kisirani yenu," said DP Ruto in the original video.
Netizens on Twitter have descended on Joho with criticism but the governor is yet to unpublish the video, which had earned over 851 retweets, more than 1200 likes, and 1811 comments since it was posted.