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Girl band set the release of "Kickstarter" album for June


American girl band, TLC have set the release date for their fans sponsored "Kickstarter" album for June 30, 2017.

The project, expected to be their fifth and final album is their only new work since they dropped "3D" in the year 2002, the period that birthed a long hiatus.

Members of the group launched an album fund page in January 2015 in a bid to raise a sum of $150,000 which has now been exceeded.

Currently, they have been able to raise $430,000 which is expected to go into writing, recording sessions and booking producers, EW News reports.

Their manager, Bill Diggins gave a confirmation of the imminent album release while thanking fans for their support in raising funds for the project in an open letter.

“The album date is firm, June 30th is the release of the new TLC album that you made happen.

“Tionne and Chilli have been working night and day to hit this date. The video and a photo shoot [is] on April 18th, 19th, 20th.

"I hope that you all read the article in The Guardian last week on why TLC’s comeback is so important, it is a great read on the group that you love and you should be proud that you made this album happen,” he said.

TLC is originally a female pop group consisting of three singers, Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas, Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins and Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes.

ALSO READ: Veteran group begs fans for money to complete new album

It was however reduced to just two members following the death of Lopes, who died in a car crash on April 25, 2002.

She was filming a documentary in Honduras that year when the unfortunate incident occurred.

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