Kenya The New York Times world17 Aug 2024Like 'Stepping on a Rake': A Wave of Scandals Hits North Carolina RepublicansRALEIGH, N.C. — When Republicans took control of virtually every lever of North Carolina’s state government for the first time since Reconstruction, they set out to transform the historically moderate Southern state into a more conservative stronghold.
Kenya The New York Times world16 Aug 2024Fraud Suspected in Loss of Democrat May Have Cost a Republican, TooELIZABETHTOWN, N.C. — Democrats have been quick to argue that their losing candidate for Congress in North Carolina’s 9th District may have been a victim of election fraud. But there might be a Republican victim as well.
Kenya The New York Times world16 Aug 2024North Carolina Fraud Scandal Casts Shadow Over the Primary, TooELIZABETHTOWN, N.C. — Democrats have been quick to argue that their losing candidate for Congress in North Carolina’s 9th District may have been a victim of election fraud. But there might be a Republican victim as well.