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Challenge Your Whole Body With This At-Home Resistance Band Workout
Your average home workout loads up on plenty of bodyweight exercises, and for good reason: Pushups and squats are fundamental pieces of any fitness routine, and you need to hold mastery over them.Build Massive Triceps With This 4-Move Workout
If youre in the gym chasing big arms, theres a good chance youve spent plenty of time doing biceps curls. And hey, you cant be blamed. After all, when most people think of big arms, they definitely think big biceps.Build Tree-Trunk Legs With This Two-Week Program
You want big biceps, a ripped chest, and chiseled abs. But deep down, you know you cant just train those bodyparts.These Training Tweaks Will Keep Your Knees Healthy
If youve been hitting the gym for years, whether its to do squats, play basketball, jump on boxes, or just run, theres a good chance that, at some point, youve experienced knee pain.The Best Way To Build Shoulder Size and Strength
If you really want to pop out of your T-shirts and stand out on the beach this summer, you need more than arm workouts and chest training. You need to spend some time working your shoulders, because, truth be told, thats where upper body strength really starts.Struggling With Your Deadlift? Let the Hex Bar Help.
The deadlift is one of the gold standard lifts in the gym. Its pretty simple, really: You load a barbell up with weight, grab it with a shoulder-width grip, plant your feet on the floor and lift.Your Definitive Guide to Leg Extensions
If youve ever been in a big-box gym before, youve seen plenty of guys doing classic leg exercises like squats and lunges and deadlifts. But theres a good chance youve also seen a host of leg-training machines, one of which seems simple enough.Give Your Bench Press a Major Boost With These Exercises
How much do you bench?Your Ultimate Guide to Power Training
If youre like most gym-goers, you dont necessarily want muscles on top of muscles on top of muscles. And you dont want to look like a distance runner, either. Instead, you head to the gym chasing that toned beach body look. And really, thats the look of an athlete. And that means youve got to do more than lift weights and do cardio.The 12 Essential Moves to Build Hamstring Muscle
Theres leg training. And then theres hamstring training. And your hamstrings are often forgotten.Pack on Muscle and Burn Fat With Sled Training
If you want to build strength and muscle in the gym, you generally need to do one kind of training and use one particular tool, like a barbell or dumbbell or kettlebell. If you think about boosting your metabolism, you generally use a very different tool, like a treadmill or a rower.Which Carry Will Build Muscle Where You Want It?
Youve been there before. You pick up a bag of groceries and figure you can walk them from your car to your house pretty easily. Thing is, when you put the groceries down in your house, youre tired.Build Major Back Strength And Protect Your Shoulders With Barbell Rows
When most people think of building the a powerful, strong body, they think about adding muscle on their chest, arms, and shoulders. They also think of doing a handful of classic exercises, moves like bench presses and deadlifts, and squats, and curls, and pullups.Get Bigger and Stronger Faster With Cluster Sets
Rep it out, bro! Dont stop now, keep pushing!These 12 Exercises Will Help You Blast Belly Fat
One of the most common goals in the gym is simple: Most guys want to lose belly fat.