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Paul Krugman

Articles written by the author

The New York Times opinion
18 Aug 2024

Trump's Secret Foreign Aid Program

Donald Trump often complains that the media don’t give him credit for his achievements. And I can think of at least one case where that’s true. As far I can tell, almost nobody is reporting that he has presided over a huge — but hidden — increase in foreign aid, the money America gives to foreigners. In fact, the hidden Trump program, running around $40 billion a year, is probably the biggest giveaway to other nations since the Marshall Plan.
The New York Times opinion
18 Aug 2024

Biden and Sanders, Behaving Badly

Health care was a key factor in Democrats’ victory in the 2018 midterm elections, and it should be a big plus in 2020 as well. The shared Democratic position — that every legal resident should have access to affordable care, regardless of income or health status — is immensely popular. The de facto Republican position — that we should go back to a situation in which those whose jobs don’t come with health benefits, or who suffer from preexisting medical conditions, can’t get insurance — is so...
The New York Times opinion
18 Aug 2024

The Sabotage Years

Do you remember the great inflation scare of 2010-2011? The U.S. economy remained deeply depressed from the aftereffects of the burst housing bubble and the 2008 financial crisis. Unemployment was still above 9 percent; wage growth had slowed to a crawl, and measures of underlying inflation were well below the Federal Reserve’s targets. So the Fed was doing what it could to boost the economy — keeping short-term interest rates as low as possible, and buying long-term bonds in the hope of gett...
The New York Times opinion
17 Aug 2024

Purity vs. Pragmatism, Environment vs. Health

Right now there are two big progressive ideas out there: the Green New Deal on climate change and “Medicare for all” on health reform. Both would move U.S. policy significantly to the left. Each is sponsored by a self-proclaimed socialist: the Green New Deal by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Medicare for all by Bernie Sanders. (Of course, neither of them is a socialist in the traditional sense.) Both ideas horrify not just conservatives, but also many self-proclaimed centrists.
The New York Times opinion
17 Aug 2024

Don't Blame Robots for Low Wages

The other day I found myself, as I often do, at a conference discussing lagging wages and soaring inequality. There was a lot of interesting discussion. But one thing that struck me was how many of the participants just assumed that robots are a big part of the problem — that machines are taking away the good jobs, or even jobs in general. For the most part this wasn’t even presented as a hypothesis, just as part of what everyone knows.
The New York Times opinion
17 Aug 2024

What's Wrong With Functional Finance?

Well, it looks as if policy debates over the next couple of years will be at least somewhat affected by the doctrine of Modern Monetary Theory, which some progressives appear to believe means that they don’t need to worry about how to pay for their initiatives. That’s actually wrong even if you set aside concerns about MMT analysis, which is something I’ll write about in a companion piece. But first it seems to me that I need to set out what’s right and what’s wrong about MMT.