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What You Should Know About Creatine
Sports dietitians say that consuming 5,000 milligrams of <a href="" id="48cd7367-8bd7-3573-a166-1560106f211d"> creatine </a> every day will super-charge your workouts with strength and power. Thats a lofty goalunless you know the shortcut.How To Deal When You Don't Want To *Do It* As Much As Your S.O.
Sexual desire ebbs and flows. Its totally normal for you to not be in the mood today but want to jump your partner tomorrow, or for your partner to want it on the daily while you prefer more of a weekly get-down. But what if you feel like you and your partner have completely mismatched libidos and that its impacting the quality of your relationship?What It Might Mean If You’re Craving Sex Less Often Than You Used To
You know how some people could eat ice cream every day, and others are satisfied with one cone a month? Your sex drive is like your appetite, according to Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, the chief of behavioral medicine at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. Some people are in the mood for sex daily, while others are happiest getting action less often. But what might it mean if your sex drive suddenly goes AWOL?Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Skin From The Sun?
We all know we should be wearing sunscreen on the daily and reapplying SPF every two hours when we're hanging at the pool. But do most people actually do that?!Should You Actually Double Up If You Missed A Birth Control Pill?
We've all been there: You go to take your birth control pill and realize: Crap, I forgot to do this yesterday! Your mind becomes a nonstop reel of questions that slowly elevates your anxiety level toward the red zone. Should I double up and take two? Can doing this make me sick? And, of course: If I have sex any time soon, should I use a back-up contraceptive?How to Decode Protein Powder Labels
The right jug has nutrients to build muscle. The wrong one has a lot of BS. Let us decode the label to help you make the best choice.