An insecurity is the feeling of being unsure about yourself. Ladies experience various forms of insecurities and there are definitely signs that can tell if someone has self-doubt.
The following are signs of insecurities in women
This article has put together various signs of insecurities. Read to find out more.
Jealousy is not bad at all when you are dating but it depends on how far you take the feeling when everything is not right.
Women who are insecure in their relationships will always be clingy around their men even if their spouses are faithful.
Sometimes the feeling comes as a result of one's partner spending time with other ladies and others interpret it as a threat to their relationships.
Controlling behavior
Controlling behaviour is when a lady monitors every step that her man makes even if she knows very well that her man is busy at work.
Another example of this is when a woman calls her boyfriend's friends to ascertain what she has been told just to make sure that all the details that she has been told rhyme.
Physical appearance
How one looks has always determined the self-esteem of that particular person, especially women.
A woman's body shape, weight, and skin complexion are key factors that contribute to a woman being insecure.
Society has set different standards, especially for supermodels and the majority of women always work towards achieving what they think society wants.
What happens when one doesn't achieve the perceived standards?
Another sign of insecurity is when a lady becomes a compliment seeker. This is simply when a lady starts asking her fellow friend or partner how they look and they always do it repeatedly.
Others will have the tendency of looking at themselves in the mirror to check if they are attractive or on.