Renowned Kenyan pastor Ezekiel Odero recently gave a glimpse into his expansive mega-church during a guided tour that also highlighted an important member of his family—his daughter.
Ezekiel proudly introduced his beautiful daughter, who showcased her skills as a professional sign language interpreter.
The young lady, who was fully immersed in her work, stood behind the camera, translating the pastor’s speech without any distraction, even as her father acknowledged her.
Pastor Ezekiel said with pride, “That is my daughter, who works as a sign language interpreter. Today, you have seen her, and you've known her.”
The calm and focused demeanour of Ezekiel’s daughter impressed many, as she continued with her task seamlessly despite the media’s attention.
Pastor Ezekiel’s preference for daughters over sons
In a previous discussion, Pastor Ezekiel shared his strong views on why he considers daughters to be a greater blessing than sons.
The clergyman stated that daughters tend to have stronger emotional bonds with their parents and are often more responsible when it comes to caring for family members.
He noted that daughters go out of their way to provide for their parents, even if it means pausing their own work or businesses to take care of family needs.
The female child can do some menial jobs, and when she goes to Saudi Arabia, she still remembers her mother. Now take the boy child abroad and see. Daughters send money to their parents' house, while sons send it to their girlfriends, not even their wives.

The pastor went on to argue that daughters show a deeper commitment when their parents need them most. He added, “A daughter could be washing clothes, but she remembers to divide the money when she sees her mother’s call. A A young man comes out of the company, sees his mother's call, looks at it and ignores it.”
According to Pastor Ezekiel, daughters not only provide financial support but also display an unmatched sense of responsibility and care. He gave an example of how daughters will take leave from work to care for a sick parent, while sons are less likely to make such sacrifices.
If you give birth to a girl, be thankful someone will care for you. When a girl's parent is sick, she will ask for leave and do all it takes to stay with her mother. Tell the boy you are sick and see if he will stay with you. He comes in the morning, checks on you, and leaves in the evening.
His views sparked both agreement and debate among followers, with many relating to his statements based on their personal experiences.

Pastor Ezekiel's wife & children
Pastor Ezekiel Odero is not only a spiritual leader but also a devoted family man. He is married to Pastor Sarah Odero, who is also his partner in ministry.
The two first met in Mombasa when Pastor Ezekiel was working as a mason. Their humble beginnings have often served as a source of inspiration to their congregation.
The couple has been married for over ten years and are blessed with three children. Two of their children are biological, while the third—a son—is adopted. The couple took in the child after Ezekiel’s brother’s wife tragically passed away while giving birth.
Pastor Ezekiel and his family live in Mavueni, Kilifi County, where they have built their life around their church. Their home is located within the same compound as the church, reflecting the deep connection between their family and their ministry.