Periods stop nothing but a sentence baby girl.
Is it Gross?
Unfortunately, a lot of people think it’s disgusting to have sex on your periods. Frankly speaking, this is upsetting. It’s another way of saying that the female body is disgusting and dirty when periods is only a natural reaction to a dying uterus lining.
But I get it, sex on periods is not for everyone. It might be the bloody smell, or genuine discomfort at the thought that he’ll see your lady parts in red, heck, sometimes it’s the PMS putting you off. It’s a grey area.
Still, if having sex while you are on your periods is something you’d like to do then go for it. It helps reduce the cramps, you’ve got more lube, your body is way more sensitive to touch and a lot of women have confessed to getting better orgasms.
Past the stigma, there are so many benefits of having sex on your periods. Here’six.
This is one of those touchy topics that often goes unspoken but trust me when I say a lot of people are having sex on their periods and they are enjoying every bit of it. Their partners too!