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Judiciary announces 961 jobs paying between Sh1,500 to Sh2,000 per day [How to apply]

How to apply for Judiciary's 961 data entry, scanning, team leader jobs
Chief Justice Martha Koome
Chief Justice Martha Koome

The Judiciary has announced close to 1,000 jobs for Kenyans who are computer literate to apply. 

The Judiciary is seeking to hire 803 data entry agents, 79 scanner operators and 79 team leaders

The successful candidates will help the Judiciary in the deployment of the Case Tracking System (CTS).

The Case Tracking System has been deployed in all the court stations. The digitization of active case files requires that historical court records and handwritten proceedings be in digital format for use by the Judges and Judicial Officers.

Successful candidates will work for a period of between 5 days and 54 days based on the caseload statistics. 

Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the Judiciary jobs portal to apply.

Data Entry Agent jobs

Data entry agents will be paid a stipend of Sh1,500 per day.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Receiving of files from the In-charge of registries.
  • Preparation of physical files to include unbinding, document sorting, page separation, listing, pagination, and indexing.
  • Bind the documents to its original state and order.

Qualifications and Experience

  • KCSE certificate with a minimum grade of C-
  • A certificate in computer studies
  • From the region (court station) specified in the advert.
  • Previous experience in Data Entry or engagement with Ajira (Ajira training certificate) will be an added advantage.
  • The duration of the assignment will be dependent on the station caseload.

Digitization Agents (Scanning Operators)

Scanner operators will be paid a stipend of Sh1,500 per day.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Scanning of all prepared documents.
  • Renaming the scanned images appropriately.
  • Undertake quality checks for completed scanned files.
  • Save the scanned image onto a Network Storage System.
  • Upload the scanned images to CTS.

Qualifications and Experience

  • KCSE certificate with a minimum grade of C-
  • Certificate in computer studies
  • Ability to operate a Scanner
  • Living close to the court station (Desirable for ease of movement to court).
  • Previous experience as a scanning operator or engagement with Ajira will be an added advantage (Ajira training certificate is an added advantage)

Team Leader/Quality Assurance

Team leaders will get a stipend of Sh2,000 per day

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Receiving of files from the registry in-Charge
  • Allocate duties and responsibilities to the team
  • Undertake quality check for scanned documents and approve for uploading to CTS
  • Ensure the file is returned to its original state.
  • Prepare attendance list
  • Prepare the final report for submission to the station leadership.

Qualifications and Experience

  • KCSE certificate with a minimum grade of C-
  • Diploma certificate in a related field.
  • Certificate in computer studies
  • Proof of leadership role in digital work
  • Living close to the court station (Desirable for ease of movement to court).
  • Previous experience as a scanning operator or engagement with Ajira will be an added advantage (Ajira training certificate is an added advantage).
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