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Scientists develop Sh600 banana with edible peel

It is called Mongee.

A Japanese agricultural company has developed a banana with an edible peel.

It is called mongee, which is slang for "incredible" which seems apt.

According to The New York Post , the science behind this revolutionary fruit involves first planting and growing banana trees in an environment that has a temperature of -60 degrees Celsius which is known as the Freeze Thaw Awakening Method.

The bananas are then thawed and replanted and the change in temperature reportedly causes the plant to grow quickly which leaves the fruit with a peel that has a lettuce-like texture.

They are only grown in D&T Farm- an agricultural research company- in Okayama Prefecture.

The farm only sells ten of these a week at Sh588 a piece.

According to Freedom Japanese Market, the mongee bananas are sweeter than regular bananas and are also stickier and have a stronger smell.

Reporters at RocketNews 24 said, "It indeed does have very thin skin, and a strong tropical flavor similar to that of a pineapple. It's also very sweet, with about 24.8 grams of sugar, as opposed to the average 18.3 grams in a regular banana. The skin itself is not particularly flavorful."

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