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6 subtle ways men show love

Men are known to shy away from expressing their feelings, especially, how they feel about someone. They are not like women who may be more open about their feelings and emotions.
A couple taking a selfie [Photo: Gustavo Fring]
A couple taking a selfie [Photo: Gustavo Fring]

Women know it when a man likes them, but here are other signs that will give you the answer you are looking for:-

He checks up on you often 

If he calls to ask how your day was, how you’ve been, or whether you’ve eaten, then consider this a sign.

If he also goes the extra mile to ensure you wake up to a ‘good morning beautiful’ text or is genuinely interested in your well-being and day to day to life then sis, you have your answer.

He involves you in his plans 

Women love feeling a sense of belonging, exclusivity, and simply feeling as if they are important to the man in their life. So, if he openly talks to you about his daily routine or mentions you in future plans or activities, things look bright for both of you. 

He’s always available for you 

If he goes out of his way to make time for you whenever you need him then clearly he’s drawn to you as more than a friend.

If the idea of spending time with you excites him then this is a good sign too. It also means he prioritizes you and he always looks forward to seeing you or spending with you again.

He remembers small details about you 

He recalls specific details that didn’t seem important to you. He also remembers something funny you said months ago while on a date and knows your favorite food, movie, ice cream, or chocolate. He knows your birth date as well as other important events of people in your life. If this is the case, that means he actively listens to you, and what a turn-on that is. 

He willingly offers to take care of you 

Chivalry is not dead, if a man likes you then he will likely offer to take care of you in small simple ways like buying groceries, paying for your subscriptions, or getting essential stuff you don’t have at home. If he willingly offers to do some of the things then he really likes you. 

He gives you compliments 

He never shies away from telling you how beautiful you are or how proud he is of you. A guy who likes you will notice small changes like trimming your hair, making your nails, a change in your scent, and much more.

Even when you are hanging out with other people, he won’t fail to acknowledge your presence, introduce you or shower you with compliments. He makes you feel good at any opportunity he gets. 

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