It seems that Lillian Ng’ang’a has learned from other big girl panty-wearers who have gone before her like Martha Karua and other iron ladies who do not take B.S from anyone.
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Insults about her being trophy wife and home wrecker for marrying Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua after he broke up with his first wife.
But not the Lillian of 2017 who has now put on her big girl panties and will not be pushed by anyone. Even if the issue of contention at that point is eyebrows.
Lillian was recently minding her business on Instagram, taking selfies and pouting away at the camera when a troll decided to ruin her day by coming at her eyebrows.
“Your eyebrows can do better.” One Shixes remarked amid the comments praising Lillian’s beauty.
Then Lillian retorted with “I really can't see in this post where opinions are asked... @shixes - so please keep them to yourself!”
But Shixes was not yet done with her and retorted with “The moment you put your life out to the public be ready for both positive and negative comments. Take a chill pill mama.”
However, Lillian wasnot here for it and snapped back with “Fall all the way back with your chill pill and get off my IG. This is my personal IG - You follow it.”