You know you should but you don’t.
They can either fall out or that nasty oil build up when you have them on for too long.
Either way, every woman is guilty of committing at least one these crimes when they have braids on.
1.Not oiling your braids
Neglecting to oil your scalp and spray your braids – spraying is optional – can make them look older faster.
2.Tying them too tight
Tying your braids too tight especially when it comes to updos can pull your edges and cause your braids to fall out making the hair look untidy.
3.Don’t have them on for too long
Don’t keep your braids on for too long as they not only end up looking very old but can also cut your hair when you eventually take them out.
4.Not protecting it by tying a scarf at night
No matter how tired you are always make sure to tie your hair with a scarf of head gear at night to protect them from aging quickly.