When you do this a job is guaranteed.......
As you write your cover letter do not repeat what is written in the CV. Rather contend and sell yourself as the best suited candidate for the job. The cover letter should market one’s credentials as indicated in the resume so as to secure an interview.
Employers use cover letters as a means of evaluating candidates and determine which ones they will call for an interview.
Human Resource experts recommend that if an employer does not ask for a cover letter, the applicant should send a cover letter anyway.
The end game is to show the employer that you put extra effort into the job application. A person who goes the extra mile will get a job easily because they exhibit diligence.
Types of Cover Letters
There are two types of cover letters namely:
a) The application letter- This is a cover letter written in response to a job advertising. The applicant should be keen to study all the details and requirements of the job opening including who to address the letter to.
b) The prospecting letter- This is a letter sent to a company to inquire about vacancies in various positions. The applicant gathers portfolio about the company and writes about a specific position. The letter should be addressed to someone specific in the office.
In this letter, unlike an application letter, you should not sell your qualifications. Instead you should show how your skills and experience will benefit the company.
The prospecting letter puts you in advantage such that if there is a job opportunity they will call you first.
Application Letter
It is recommended that an applicant should find out the specific person who you should address the letter to. Do not write ‘To whom it may concern’ because it will make the one reviewing your application strike it out.
Experts warn against writing a general cover letter and sending it to various companies. Instead you should customize every cover letter to fit the specific job vacancy you are applying for.
Example of a cover letter: This is the standard format for a professional cover letter
Having found out who you are supposed to address the letter to, write their name and address.
As you begin writing the cover letter indicate how you learnt about the job posting.
Introduce yourself by giving some basic information about your education, area of expertise and career goals. Show how your aspirations and targets align with those of the company.
The third paragraph should be used to respond directly to the job description. As an applicant you should go the extra mile and research about the company. In your application, it is recommended that you use keywords that are written in the job opening.
Show how you are going to improve the company if you are given an opportunity to work there. You should be able to sell yourself in a way that the job was specifically designed for you.
Ensure that you indicate your skills and competencies and show how the company will benefit from them.
Conclude the letter by indicating that you would love to be interviewed by them.
Quick tips for writing a winning cover letter