The governor-elect had planned to re-allocate the Ksh 25 million for his swearing in ceremony but..
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Mr. Peter Wanyama stated that the governor-elects were required to follow the procedures laid down by the Public Finance Management Act should they wish to allocate the funds set aside for their swearing in ceremonies.
“It is good if they do not want to spend the money but they must follow the law. The money must be legally appropriated,” he said.
According to Wanyama, the re-allocation of the funds must be done through a supplementary budget that is to be presented in the assembly for adoption by the MCAs.
ALSO READ: Sonko turns down Sh25million offer
Sonko had earlier on rejected the 25 million shillings allocated for his swearing in ceremony opting to direct the funds to paying delayed salaries owed to the county government employees.
Other leaders that followed suit were Kitui governor-elect Charity Ngilu who directed the 6 million shillings for her ceremony to repairing water trucks.
Nyeri governor-elect Wahome Gakuru also rejected his 5 million shillings ordering for it to be directed to paying electricity bills for Karatina hospital.