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The way everything was conducted during Papa's funeral still hurts me - Jacky Vike speaks out

Jacky Vike
Jacky Vike

Jacky Vike alias Awinja has spoken out on details of Charles Bukeko's (Papa Shirandula) funeral which soiled the solemnity of the day.

In a post seen by Pulse Live, Ms Vike disclosed that the Ministry of Health officials who conducted the burial treated the party from Nairobi with a level of hyperawareness that was extreme.

In her post, she outlined that every move made by mourners from Nairobi was met with fumigation by the MoH officials.

"I still feel everything was done for TV, because I have attended and seen burial of 'COVID 19' cases and it was not the same as Papa’s. The ministry of health (MOH) who should be knowing better on STIGMATIZATION treated us like we all were confirmed cases of Covid-19.

"Toilets would be fumigated if any of us visited. Kidogo wachote hio waste wa fumigate, mahali mtu wa Nairobi alikua anakanyaga ilikua fumigated each and every step, mtu wa Nairobi alikua anagusa anything unachapwa fumigation utafikiria uko kwa JKL Live umetoa point ya mauwano, this instilled so much fear and sadness to the Villagers and relatives in general," her post read in part.

She went on to disclose that the family of the late Papa Shirandula have since experienced stigma after the way the burial was conducted.

"This really broke Mama Papa’s heart she couldn’t understand anything that was going on, it was never the same after we left, the neighbors avoided the family, even buying anything from the shopping Centre they had to send someone from a different family," she stated.

Vike explained that the death of Mr Bukeko is still a sore point for her given that he was more like a father and mentor to her than an acting colleague.

She noted that she did not wish to hold on to the hurtful bits of the funeral and the loss and had, however, chosen to let go of some of it through the new year's post.

"I cannot write each and every detail here so maybe one day I’ll talk about it on Video. But now that I have at least let out, I can say, I feel some how better. Yaliyo ndwele sipite," she posted.

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