And he is making a comeback with a song called ‘Sorry’ which is presumably an apology for infecting the girl with the virus and his sorry-not-sorry video and audio that came after.
Bahati who has also been under siege for allegedly calling the police on Mr Seed’s pregnant fiancée is supporting his comeback through a collaboration.
“DK KWENYE BEAT IS BACK!!!... Let He that is without sin among Us, let him be the first to cast a stone. TODAY 4PM @dkkwenyebeat ❌ @bahatikenya Presents #SORRY,” Bahati announced.
A statement that attracted outrage from fans as some felt that many Gospel artistes usually quote Bible verses to justify their sins while others claimed that it was too soon.
Below are some reactions:
mariah_mwaniki: Na watu waachange kuquote Hii verse ya bible as an excuse ya kutenda mabaya..sijatajata MTU...
iam_murasi: Mmmh hatutawahi Sahau...Sisi wote ni watenda dhambi lakini hatutasahau hata mkivaa suti
ellyellz1984: Mr herpes is back...we are not ready for him
gladyzia_wambugu: Aliambia huyo same sorry ama anamtolea ngoma?
iryn_muthoni: Birds of the same feather,continue quoting bible verses
peris_kamau: Mshindwe kabisa.. Both of you
paulvanyizo: Two sinners trying to fool us
dianaamericana: Hatutaki sorry yake
cchege: I cast a your foolishness...I cast an eye at wickedness ..I keep an ear out for your venomous words..No God stands for such decay..of spirit..saad you are an kids..shaame
kungu_anne: Good for him, it’s a pity that doing such an act follows up by the release of an "apology" song. Where a Christian or not nothing justifies his acts!
Martinmmuji: hypocrites who cannot be role model to our society.
Tabbiekanyi: Alipona? Tuanzie hapo
kui_kirigo: Aki si mnachezanga na God. Can you be serious for once aaaah
karenizle: What a crazy world we are living in!? Christianity has now become a lifestyle for fornicators...liars,,, and drunkards...pride has watered down your credibility @bahatikenya
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