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10 things you need to do before the year ends


The year is about to end.

You definitely want to step into the new year, a new you, leaving behind everything that was weighing you down. It’s important to start the year on a clean slate, full of positive vibes. That said, here are some things you can do before the year ends, for a better start of the coming year.

1. Set goals.

When getting into a new year, it’s good to set yourself some goals of the things that you hope to achieve and a breakdown of how you will achieve those things. Give yourself a timeline, but try not to pressure yourself. If you want to achieve anything, you must set goals.

2. Update your LinkedIn account as well as your CV.

If you’re not where you want to be in your career, you need to be proactive in your job search. Update your LinkedIn account and your CV to help you in your job search. Follow the right people – those in the same industry as you on Twitter and LinkedIn and build a network that can elevate you

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3. De-clutter.

And by de-clutter I mean all forms of de-clutter. De-clutter your mind, your house, your emails. Get rid of all the junk. Give away clothes you have not worn for a long time to charity, unsubscribe from spammy emails whose notifications you no longer need. Get rid of things in the house you no longer need and make it a clutter-free homely space that you look forward to coming to after a long day of work.

4. Mend broken friendships.

Life is too short to carry your grudges to the grave. If you no longer speak to some friends and family over something really petty and you miss them, it might be wise to make up and become friends again.

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5. Get rid of the toxic people in your life.

A job sucking up all your energy and no longer adds any value to your life? Leave. A good for nothing boyfriend? Leave. Friends who do not better you? Leave. Delete all the phone contacts you no longer need or communicate with. There are always chances to get new jobs and make new friendships.

6. Get a medical checkup.

When was the last time you got a full body medical checkup? You might ignore a checkup, because you feel and look healthy, but you never really know. What’s detected early enough can be healed most of the time. It’s very important to get a checkup and think of ways in which you can lead a healthy lifestyle.

7. Work on your new year resolutions.

It’s easy to make new year resolutions. Following them is the hard part. The key is to make resolutions that are achievable. If you want to save money, think of a plan like the 52 week challenge. If you want to join a gym, think of a meal plan and ways through which you will be consistent in your workout plans.

8. Fulfill your promises.

You know all those people that you told “Let’s hang out soon.” Well, life is really short, you may not get another chance, cause, one day we are here and the next, we are gone for good. Hang out with your friends, family and those who mean the most to you. Make memories.

9. Settle your debts.

If you owe people money, don’t step into the new year with debts. Settle them and manage you finances so that the cycle of debts does not follow you into the new year.

10. Reconnect with your spiritual side. Find your zen.

Ask for forgiveness. Pray, meditate, think about your purpose in life. Take up a new hobby if you have to. Work on your own peace of mind, happiness and mental health.

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