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4 effective money hacks to ensure you never go broke

If you suck at spending money well, here are some hacks to make sure you never go broke.

While it would be easier to believe how your money disappeared if it was a magic trick, the truth of the matter is that you may just suck at spending money properly.

Here are 4 money hacks to make sure you always have money and avoid going broke.

1.Join a chama (Sacco)

It may sound like something the older folks would be more interested in, but it is one of the easiest ways to make sure you never go broke.

2.Maintain the money saving habits you had when you were 'broke'

Maintaining the money saving habits, you were practicing throughout the month will help you avoid spending too much money. For instance, if you were carrying lunch to the office to avoid using money for lunch then make it habitual even after getting some money in the bank.

3.Don’t withdraw your money the minute you are paid

Most people are usually paid during the last week of the month which means there is still an extra week or a few days to go before the month is over. Hold on for just a few more days before spending your salary money.


There is no other way to sort out bad spending habits than budgeting. Always budget for everything even if it is going out to party – especially when it is for going out to party because we all know how generous people can get when the drinks start flowing.

All these hacks are however useless unless you have self-discipline to make sure they materialize.

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