On Wednesday, Socialite Corazon Kwamboka opted to walk her fans down the memory lane, reminiscing on the day she flew to Paris with the mission of trying to win back her Italian ex-boyfriend , just two months after breaking up.
I thought I’d never be able to fall in love again- Kwamboka
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According to Kwamboka, at that particular time she was stressed and desperate, thinking the solo trip could bring back her ex-boyfriend, but all was in vain.
“Flashback!!! See how skinny I was... stress 😂😂. I had broken up with my ex like 2 months before this moment. My naïve self thought I’d never be able to live without him, so I decided to curate a plan to try and get his attention/ get him back...
I packed my bags, collected some coins from my bank and off I went to Paris, just 1 hr flight from Rome.. close enough 😂😂😂😂. I’m literally laughing writing this.
In my silly little mind, he’d see I’m in Paris, call me and we’d get back together 😂😂. Only to not even receive a call looool!!! So I did a solo trip, France for a week and Ibiza for a week then came back to Kenya. I was miserable the whole trip” shared Ms Kwamboka.
Kwamboka added that she thought that she would never fall in love again, when the relationship ended, but luckily she was able to heal from the heartbreak and now she is in love.
“I didn’t know the plan God had for me and my future, I thought I’d never be able to fall in love again. To any young girl going through a heartbreak, it might feel like you’ll never heal and things will never be the same, they won’t be the same, they’ll be better. You’ll fall in love again, you’ll be happy again and you’ll heal. So if you need to cry now, do it. But remember it’s not the end, days will turn to weeks, weeks into months, you’ll learn to love again, you’ll heal” wrote Ms Kwamboka.
Ms Kwamboka’s relationship with her Italian Bae ended in 2018 and she is now dating Frankie Just GymIt and they even have a son together.
“I loved this guy! But the distance just couldn’t allow us to be together, it’s been tough and we were not happy. I’m single and happy, focusing on myself and law practice. I’m sure I will find love and when it’s real; it will be easy,” she wrote in 2018.