Pick up your phone and see how your parents are doing.
It’s like she was giving me time to grow and learn the world for myself I guess.
So every time she would call us (her children) when we were out in the club or basically just doing something that she wouldn’t really approve of we would instantly just go like “Oh gosh what could she want right now?” – majority of the time she would want to know where we were, what we were up to and what time we would be getting home.
As the years go by however and she grows a bit older, I have observed how “sensitive” she and my father have gotten when you maybe forget to call them back when you were supposed to or simply don’t check up on them as often for one reason or the other.
Well a recent study shed a bit of light on the need for hanging out with your mother that will definitely make you want to stop ditching her phone calls and link up with her whenever you can.
According to the study, spending time with your mother can actually help her live longer.
From the findings of the study, 23 percent of the 1600 adults that participated that were lonely died within six years of the study’s commencement.
This is in comparison with the 14 percent of participants who had a companion.
Basically, loneliness plays a big role on someone’s natural decline in association with old age.
All participants in the study had and average age of 71.