In a unique and unusual endeavor, a Nigerian TikToker has embarked on a tearful endurance race to break the Guinness World Record for the longest crying marathon.
The man embarked on 100-hour crying challenge on Tuesday 11
With the aim of shedding tears continuously for 100 hours, the man's journey has caught the attention of social media users, who have since dubbed the challenge as the cry-a-thon.
TikToker attempts to break 100-hour cry-a-thon
237 Towncryer, as he is known on TikTok, gained widespread attention after a video surfaced online showing him wailing for an uninterrupted two hours.
Determined to push the limits further, he set his sights on breaking the existing Guinness World Record for the longest crying marathon, which stands at 100 hours.
He began documenting his cry-a-thon journey on social media platforms on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, showing his audience that he had already cried for a straight six hours.
Hilda Baci breaks record for the longest cooking marathon by individual
The cry-a-thon follows the recent triumph of another Nigerian, Hilda Baci, who achieved recognition from the Guinness World Records for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.
Hilda's relentless cooking efforts spanned a remarkable 100 hours, earning her the coveted title.
The four-day marathon, which commenced on Thursday, May 11, saw her prepare over 100 different dishes, showcasing her culinary prowess and determination.
The power of Guinness World Records
Guinness World Records plays a vital role in recognizing and documenting extraordinary accomplishments worldwide.
Their meticulous review process ensures the legitimacy of record-breaking attempts and celebrates individuals who go above and beyond in their pursuits
Fans are eagerly waiting to see whether 237 Towncryer will finish the challenge and be recognized by the Guinness World Records for his cry-a-thon.