The popular comedy group, House of Comedy, is currently facing a wave of uncertainty as its crew members, Yvonne Khisa, Bushra Sakshi and Africas, recently unfollowed the group's leader, Crazy Kennar, on social media.
Yvonne Khisa has clarified why she departed from Crazy Kennar's comedy group.
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One of the crew members Yvonne Khisa's departure from the group was accompanied by a cryptic message shared on her Instagram stories.
"Toxic people acting as a victim is the funniest sh*t ever," before proceeding to unfollow Crazy Kennar," she wrote.
This move added fuel to the fire, intensifying rumors of conflicts and tension within the House of Comedy.
The internet has been buzzing with discussions and theories regarding the potential reasons behind these unfollowing.
Yvonne Khisa breaks her silence & offers clarity
Amidst the growing uncertainty, Yvonne Khisa decided to speak up and shed some light on the situation.
In an interview with Ankali Ray on July 9, she addressed the rumors surrounding the group's unity.
While she remained hesitant to confirm whether the group is still intact or not, she emphasised that there is no specific reason for their separation, but they have grown up.
Yvonne Khisa hinted at possible personal and professional growth, suggesting that the dynamics within the House of Comedy might have evolved over time.
"Hakuna chanzo... ni kugrow up," she said.
However, she did express that Crazy Kennar's health is in good condition, assuring fans that he is doing well in that aspect.
The future of Crazy Kennar's House of Comedy
With the departure of Yvonne Khisa, along with Bushra Sakshi and Africas distancing themselves from Crazy Kennar on social media, fans and followers of the House of Comedy are left wondering about the group's future.
Speculations are rife about potential conflicts, creative differences, or individual pursuits that may have led to this apparent rift.
It remains to be seen whether Crazy Kennar's House of Comedy will be able to overcome these challenges and regroup, or if this marks the end of an era for the popular comedy crew.