Since June is Men’s Mental Health Month and November is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, we are delving into habits that destroy men's mental health.
Many men have toxic habits that are detrimental to their mental health, which they need to unlearn.
Here are five of them:
1. Lack of communication and repression of feelings
Men are not weak for crying. In most cultures, men are expected to be stoic and strong for the sake of society; any sign of emotional vulnerability or tears is often stigmatized as feminine and an indication of weakness.
Expressing feelings of sadness and anger is important; it releases you from that emotion and helps you move on. Repressed emotions come out in unhealthy ways.
2. Hyper independence
You cannot provide for and protect everyone. Superheroes need sidekicks. No one is saying you should be a leech on anyone, but ask for help if you need it.
Don’t drown in your troubles. Hyper-independence is a trauma response you need to unlearn.
3. Sees love as a weakness
Some men say, "I don't want love, all I want is respect or loyalty". False. Everyone needs love. Love is the feeling of being cared for, valued, accepted, and understood. Perhaps as a result of the past, some men have renounced love and would much rather sleep around. Even though opening your heart to another can potentially hurt, they must move on from the hurt and stay open to real love, if not their lives will be sad and lonely.
4. Transfers aggression and expresses anger unhealthily
Shouting, screaming, and throwing things when things aren’t going well is childish. What’s even worse is when you do that to people closest to you who aren’t the cause of your foul mood. Your children shouldn’t hear, 'Daddy is home!’ and start running away. There are healthier ways to express displeasure. Getting upset is one thing; transferring aggression or lashing out is a whole different thing.
5. Unhealthy coping mechanisms and addictions
Excess Alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, and other addictions are so unhealthy. Even football or sports can be a distraction from your feelings. No one is saying to sit and analyze your feelings every time, but don’t run away from them through self-destructive activities.