Drama unfolded in Kitale after former President Moi’s grandson abandoned his girlfriend at a hotel, with unpaid bills.
He could not be reached on phone!
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The grandson identified as Collins Moi is reported to have sneaked out leaving his girlfriend who was detained for over a week.
According to a report by Nation, Collins and his girlfriend stayed at the hotel for six days and they were supposed to pay a bill of Sh100, 000 before he sneaked out on Saturday last week.
The daily further reported that the Skynest Hotel management said Collins who is Jonathan Moi’s son and his girlfriend identified as Marsha Amario checked into the hotel on December 29 and booked themselves for the six days for Marsha’s birthday celebration.
"We tried to engage Collins to pay the bill when it was manageable but he responded that he will pay the following day," the daily quoted Timothy Simiyu who is a manager at the hotel.
After he sneaked out and could not be reached on phone, the hotel management then called the police who arrested Collins Moi’s girlfriend and she was taken to Kitale Police Station.
Birthday surprise
According to Marsha, Collins brought her from Nairobi saying that he had a birthday surprise for her but things turned out the way they turned out to be.
"He told me he was taking me to Kitale since he had a birthday surprise for me. All along I knew he was the one paying for everything only to find myself in this situation," she told the police.
Other reports however indicated that Marsha Amario was released following intervention from a member of the Moi family, before she was arraigned in court.