It’s a condition that no one talks about…
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To be honest, before Janet Mbugua’s post, I didn’t have a clue about what Lochia is but thankfully we got a little education about it.
Today, Janet had a very candid discussion with mothers across the country about a condition called Lochia which is basically vaginal discharge that has blood mucus, uterine tissue, and bacteria. A condition that Janet revealed causes women to wear diapers after giving birth or in less severe cases maternity pads.
Opening up about Lochia Janet wrote:
“#MaternityPads; no one really tells you how much you'll need them post-birth. I learned the hard way! Ever heard of #Lochia? I experienced it in a salon. #Lochia (vaginal discharge after giving birth, containing blood, mucus, and uterine) typically continues for 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth, which is known as the postpartum period (Wiki). #MaternityPads available in most supermarket outlets, helped me so much during this period! Some people even use adult diapers because it's so intense! Yikes!”
“Comment if you relate!” She urged the ladies and her announcement was met by many women opening up about this condition.
And here are some of the comments:
Thatchicklyndan: Things I wish I knew about postpartum! I was a Google pro but lochia caught me completely off guard
jey_jesh@officialjanetmbugua: Thank you for always being honest about motherhood.i have been reading your blogs way before I had my baby and now that she is 10 weeks I was already prepared for it. Am getting to experience the strengths I never knew I had. Keep on and God bless
tripple_m.crysta: Lochia is a lil messy. Happens anytime
evatambo: Never heard of lochia (runs to google search)...I used the tena brand for my postpartum bleeding. Convenient and comfortable you don't have to worry about staining especially those first few days in the hospital. Oh, bless they are disposable, no stress of washing panties postpartum.